If you’re a web developer, then the process of creating an aesthetically pleasing blog post can be time-consuming. This article will show you a 3 step process of creating a Single Post Template With Elementor (Free Version) and AnyWhere Elementor Pro. It is entirely code-free, which will save hours of your precious time.
Plugins Required
I am not going with the installation process. Both of these plugins are pretty simple to install, just like any other WordPress plugin. Still need help? Check Documentation
So here are the steps to create a Single Post Template with AnyWhere Elementor Pro.
While in this tutorial, I will be creating a Singular Template for Blog Posts; the same process applies if you want to create a Singular template for any custom post type.
Step 1: Add new AE Template
- Inside your WordPress Admin, go to AE Templates -> Add New
- Give your template a suitable name

Step 2: Configure Template
There are some basic configurations in each AE Template that define where this template will be applied. So we have to tell it which one of the Templates you want your new post to use, and for what kind of Single Post!
- Render Mode: Post Template
- Post Type: Post
- Preview Post: Select any existing post. Just type the first few characters of the title of your existing post, and it will populate the options to select. It is important to correctly preview the data while designing the template in Elementor Editor.
- Auto Apply: Check this if you want to apply this template to all blog post. (You can also design multiple single templates and apply them conditionally. We will get into this later.)
- Template: Select how your theme will render it on the frontend. Elementor Full width will give you much better control over the content area while keeping Header-Footer provided by your theme.

Step 3: Edit template with Elementor
It is similar to editing any page/post with Elementor Editor. Here you can put some widgets to display your post data.
There are two approaches to this.
1. Using widget available with AnyWhere Elementor Pro
In AnyWhere Elementor Pro, there are a lot of unique widgets available to display the specific data. Here are some examples
- AE – Title to display the Post Title
- AE – Post Content to display post content
- AE – Post Meta to display meta information like Post Category, Published/Modified date, Author, and Comment Count.
- AE – Post Navigation to display Previous and Next Post link

There are many more. You can find all of them prefixed with “AE -“. In this tutorial, we will add the following widgets.
- AE – Title
- AE – Post Image
- AE – Post Meta
- AE – Post Content
- AE – Post Navigation
- AE – Post Comment
All the widgets come with many customisation options that can help design them as per your requirement.
2. Using Dynamic Content with default Elementor widget.
Under this approach, you can use Elementor’s default widget like the Heading widget, with dynamic content option provided by Anywhere Elementor Pro. Like, use Heading widget to display Post Title, Text Editor widget to display Post Content, and Image widget to display Featured image. You will get the option to display this data under the Dynamic Content option. Just like widgets, specific options provided by our plugin are all prefixed with AE.

You can also use the hybrid approach, like displaying some data using the AE widget and using native Elementor widgets with dynamic content.
Step 3: Publish and Apply Template
Once done, publish the template. If you have checked “Apply All” option in Step 2 above, your template will get applied to all the blog posts.
If “Apply All” is not checked, you will have to select the template for each post individually. It is helpful if you have multiple Single Post Templates for different kinds of Blog Posts.
This topic has been covered in more detail here.
Efficiently Manage Multiple Single Post Template using AnyWhere Elementor Pro
That’s a great informative article. This is a great solution for those who don’t want to purchase elementor pro
But by any chance, can the above single post template be created with just the free elementor version and with any free add-on plugin?
Any option we can do this totally Free?
Hi Jackson
Thanks for appreciating the article. Creating a single post template is not feasible with totally free setup. You can take Elementor Pro or our plugin “AnyWhere Elementor Pro” as mentioned above.